
About Us

 جسر / (JISR) / BRIDGE

ما يربط بين طرفين، وسيلة اتِّصال وتفاهم :-لابدَّ من إقامة جسور الودّ والتَّعاون بين الدُّول

What links two parties is a means of communication and understanding: bridges of friendship and cooperation must be established between countries.

The JISR Film Festival takes you on a journey to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

The average person will say that the GCC only has dates, desert, camels, oil and gas. The GCC has all of the above, yet so much more!

Through the culture-verse of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman. Programmed as an anthology of short and full feature films. These works range in the subjects of environmental sustainability, animation, sports, women’s stories, action and sci-fi. Breaking age-old perceptions with their modernity and diversity. A festival that is exciting, engaging, and enlightening, breaking age-old stereotypes.

Film & Arts

Consumer & Lifestyle Products

Boost GCC Tourism

Our Team

Dr Dalal AlGhawas
Founder Agribusiness Consultant, SWAPAC

Livy Von Goh
Founder, Cinepluto

Prashant Somosundram
General Manager, The Projector Singapore

Kok-Chin (KC) Tay
Smart Cities Network
Executive Director (ASEAN), Smart Cities Council

Tonya Tan
World Future Enterprises



The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a political and economic alliance of six Middle Eastern countries—Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman.

In 2006, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Singapore have agreed to start negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) which was in force in 2013. Yet the average Singaporean is unaware of the culture of GCC or opportunities for both regions to thrive.