Check out my latest article by  Jan Yumul  from the  with contributions from  Lana Weidgenant  from  ProVeg International  and  Nadim Farajalla  from the  Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs.

In response to the  UNFCCC UN ‘s COP28 President-Designate Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber’s (Managing Director and Group Chief Executive of the  ADNOC Group) decision to guarantee affordable plant-based food options at the COP28 summit.

🍃 Call for closer attention to sources of nutrition: with an eye on COP28, experts advocate focus on carbon footprint in Gulf region.

I discussed that plant based foods can have varying carbon neutrality. The life cycle assessment (LCA) needs to be assessed, for plant based foods that rely on soy as the main ingredient. For the GCC, soy is imported from large soybean producers in the Americas such as Brazil and the United States that will need to be individually audited to qualify for a carbon neutral label.

It’s good to see that plant based foods are being openly embraced in the UAE 🍽


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